Independent, consumer-friendly, information on UK personal finance.
to your independent information guide to all aspects of
UK personal finance.
This website is produced by non-finance professionals for normal people who want to get the best UK personal finance products at the best price.
Simple Information
This website gives you easy-to-understand information
on UK personal finance.
We try to be as clear and straightforward
as possible. Everything is presented in informative
sections to help you do some quick research.
Finance From A to Z
We cover a wide range of things you might want to
know more about without spending hours researching.
Simply scan the list of topics to your left to access
the best UK personal finance information going.
Latest Best Buy Tables
Want to know the LATEST
BEST RATES for Banks... Mortgages... Savings...and
ALL the UK's finance products? Click
Looking for a Mortgage?
Here is some useful information to help you: Mortgage
Calculators |
Guide to Mortgage Types | Tips
about Mortgage Brokers | Your
total A to Z of UK Mortgages and much more...
We've Done the Research
The internet is a great way to research your personal
finance needs. But, with hundreds of UK finance
websites to choose from, there's a major problem of
information overload. You could spend hours finding
the worthwhile ones.
Now you can save time, money and effort by
going straight to the best information-heavy, sales-light
financial websites from here. If we haven't covered
your subject ourselves, we've researched the web thoroughly
and will link you to the best websites.
Help a Charity
What's resulted from our research
and experience is basically a labour of love.
Unlike many similar websites we aren't driven by a
need to make money. We have other jobs and do this
in our spare time.
15% of any profit we make will go to our nominated
charity, The
Relief Fund for Romania. In return for
all this free time
and money-saving service, how about giving a quick
to a charity?
About Us
is an independent information guide to all aspects of UK
personal finance It was written and developed by non-finance
professionals and is aimed at normal people who are trying
to make sense of all the jargon.
percentage of any profit we make goes to charity, in particular
to our favourite charity, The
Relief Fund for Romania.
resulted from a conversation between a group of friends
when we all confessed complete confusion about buying financial
our guilty secret was out we quickly agreed that it wasn't
us - it was "them". After all we may not be rocket scientists
but we're reasonably intelligent people.
why is UK personal finance so difficult to understand?
more we looked into it the more we saw the need for simple,
jargon-free information for normal people. This
website is the result.
were inspired to do it by our sense of outrage as we read
about the mis-sold pensions and other scandals.
lives of honest hardworking people have been ruined by trusting
an industry - which spends millions persuading people to
trust it.
researched the information, and turned it into a website
by simply recording our own experience any time we've needed
a financial product ourselves - be it a will, life insurance
or a mortgage. This is how the website has grown.
There are various websites all of which
get great feedback from you, the users.
The websites are: Loan
Sorter, Pension
Sorter, Mortgage
Sorter, Insurance
Sorter, CreditCard
Sorter, and Investment
Sorter. If you have any comments or ideas on subjects
you'd like us to cover feel free to tell
What The Press Say
The leading British retailer WH Smith's "Computer Active Webguide" cited us as the only independent website worth looking at: "This excellent site... uniformly good... gives you a complete picture... whatever your question you'll find the answer...a site that's on the side of the angels..."
Another leading internet magazine, Internet Advisor, recommends us as one of only eight out of hundreds of UK finance websites worth looking at. (The others are all major players like Egg, Eagle Star and the FT. We're the only independent one).
Who Recommends Us
The average score awarded by our users when asked to give it points out of 10 is 9 plus. Here are just some of the comments given by our users:
"An absolutely brilliant site"
"I think the site is excellent".
"Refreshingly informative. I know only too well the pitfalls of bad advice. This site MUST get more publicity".
"Fantastic Website - Many thanks - will be using throughout getting a mortgage and will be donating to your designated charity. thanks again".
What the press say
beginner-friendly and genuinely independent personal finance
site. This was put together by a group of ordinary punters
who set out to demystify in words that even a prize muppet
can understand. Highly recommended."
Wright in the Afternoon
Website of the Day
BBC Radio 2
in the mainstream press:

is heaving with pensions-related sites. Most corporate sites
will give details of their individual products. But for
jargon-free information on every type of pension
you could desire try"

and bored by pensions, but aware you should have set one
up? Pensionsorter provides a wealth of easy-to-understand
information and advice about state, occupational
and personal schemes. Refreshingly, Pensionsorter
makes no heavyhanded attempts to sell you a scheme,
although if you want one you can contact an IFA [via them]."

the word pension has always brought on the frights, try, which proves that low-tech
delivery of information is sometimes all that a site needs
to be effective. Every aspect of pension-purchasing
is gone through in detail, and all the terminology
is explained in easy-to-understand language.
Who recommends us
Here are just some of the comments given by our users *
"An absolutely brilliant site"
"I think the site is excellent".
"Refreshingly informative. I know only too well the pitfalls of bad advice. This site MUST get more publicity".
"Fantastic Website - Many thanks - will be using throughout getting a mortgage and will be donating to your designated charity. thanks again".
"As an IFA I am very impressed by your site you are to be commended on your efforts".
and many more...
* Please note, these are genuine comments from real people as verified by a Chartered Accountant
"I have agreed the above quotations to the original feedback E-mails submitted to the Moneysorter Web Site".
E J Whittington, B Sc FCA
EJ Whittington & Co.
Chartered Accountants
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